Just shuffling chairs about the Titanic

Figured that Golden Gate Mornings deserved its own space.
So, if you look to the right of the screen before you, there within "Pages" and under "Home" is "Golden Gate Mornings" where you will find the Golden Gate Mornings updates. Thanks for stopping by!

July 23, 2014: Further update. Realized that the Golden Gate Mornings page is getting way too long. So i broke it up into monthly chunks. Figure that might make it easier to read.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

January 1st, 2013

Begun like the past handfuls of first of Januarys. In the warm house of R&C, surrounded by tipsy friends, hoisting crustal flutes of champagne as we all bade everyone a happy new year. Then comes the accounting of the remaining wines and R and i setting to work so that we "waste not want not". The year of 2013, the Year of the Snake in the Chinese zodiac.

The thought of it being the Year of the Snake, i recall, struck me as rather odd, having being born in the Year of the Rat. i remember thinking to myself, does this mean that the year will simply consume me, digest me, and excrete me with barely a thought? Would i be a nourishing meal? Would i be remembered for a particular taste? Possibly my high fat content? Or will i be forgotten, ingested like the millions of Big Macs served world wide?

2013, it turns out, was a strange year, a strange year where i walked out on a perfectly good job because of my personal idiotsyncracies, "principles", and an exaggerated sense of self worth. Where i discovered exactly how unremarkable my set of skills were in the biotech marketplace and was taught a lesson of humility over how common a non-degree'd grunt like me really is. Where i began a side career as a consultant and was aghast at the world of Contract Research Organizations and Contract Manufacturing Organizations. Where i then got horribly lucky, due to a very dear friend, to land my current job. Though, instead of being grateful to her, i've pestered her exceedingly with daily emails and requests for dinners. Yup, Year of the Snake.

Yet, it was still a year where i gained more than i have lost, and to that i am grateful to the slithering bugger of a Year.

Though i still don't know what kind of a meal i was... but i guess, it really doesn't matter. There are only so many more years left in me, and i doubt the ol Snake will get a chance at a second bite in twelve years.

Happy New Year all, onward to the Year of the Horse.

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