Just shuffling chairs about the Titanic

Figured that Golden Gate Mornings deserved its own space.
So, if you look to the right of the screen before you, there within "Pages" and under "Home" is "Golden Gate Mornings" where you will find the Golden Gate Mornings updates. Thanks for stopping by!

July 23, 2014: Further update. Realized that the Golden Gate Mornings page is getting way too long. So i broke it up into monthly chunks. Figure that might make it easier to read.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Letter writing

In order for crowdfunding campaigns to succeed, a threshold number of audiences must be reached. Thus is crowdfunding solidly lodged in the realms of social networking, where, with a click of a pixelated thumbs-up icon, hundreds, thousands, perhaps millions of potential supporters/clients/followers can be reached.

i've spent most of my life trying to stay away from social media. Attempting to stay anonymous while being an active participant of the on-line social community (alright, i fess up, i really enjoy the MMORPG games and the sense of community playing those games brings - i just don't like to be known). Because of this, my social networking chops are about as useful to CanFel and the Indiegogo campaign as the non existent social networking infrastructure of the other CanFel members.

We realized this weakness in our crowdfunding scheme early on, and, with the help of KA, who is infinitely more versed in the ebbs and flow of social media, we have generated a slew of potential blogs, websites, on-line organizations that we could potentially ally with to get our message out and possibly gather some supporters around our banner of bringing antibody therapeutics to veterinary medicine.

Today was a day of letter writing for me. Writing these short, concise "hello, we are CanFel" letters really reminded me once again how unique this undertaking truly is.

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