On June 26th, i was elated to read on NY Times the SCOTUS decision on Obergefell v. Hodges. Finally, the court has made the decision to not maintain the hodgepodge collections of state-centric decisions on "legalized marriage" and gave the nation a unified definition of "marriage".
i, however, find much irony in the resultant reaction. From the religious and secular right. For a segment of citizenry that is so vehement in withholding the choice of marriage to the LGBT segment of the population (yes, it is still a choice, to marry or not to marry), a slice of the US of A that is so keen on insisting their definition of marriage is the only true definition of marriage, they are certainly very quick in immediately -- vocally -- speaking out against the fear (entirely their's) of their CHOICE to marriage definition from being DISCRIMINATED AGAINST. Are they not now asking for the same considerations that the LGBT citizens have been fighting so long and hard for? Are they not now fearing the same victimization they so adeptly leveled out?