Every now and again one feels the need to travel, be it to resolve personal curiosity or to simply substantiate an elusive entity. To be able to put a voice to letters, a face to images, a persona to imagination. This has been the root to many of my travels, and the window to a better insight into various corners of the world.
Recently, a trip was made to visit a person who has been no more than letters on the screen. This was the first such trip for me. Previously, i have met many fellow internet dwellers, but most of that is based solely upon coincidences and shared interests in conventions of one form or another. This was different, this was dictated by a desire to meet someone coinciding with a need to get away for a weekend. Part of me was conflicted in this venture, and part of me might still be conflicted after this venture. i do not view myself as a selfless man, nor do i view myself as being completely selfish. In my relationship with the missus, i've strived to do things and go places that has interests for both of us. This trip was made, however, in an entirely ego-centric fashion. The fact that my wife was so cooperating only made me feel more guilty by the minute. Thankfully, it turned out to be a good trip.
The reason the trip was made was to put a face to someone whom i felt very comfortable with. This person reminded me a lot of myself in times past, and this person shared many of the same outlooks on life and suscrbed to many of the same ideals that i believed in. The first time i spoke to this person on-line, i felt a certain kinship which caught me blind sided. All these things together really pushed me to the trip. i had, in a way, a need to see if this person was genuine, or just a figment of an on-line imagination. Does it make sense? Does it resonate true?
i certainly hope so. For this trip made me realize that this person is indeed very much someone whom i wish to associate with in the long run. The kinship i felt on-line was certainly present upon our meeting.